Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Hannah

On February 23rd Hannah turned 9!! Where has the time gone? My little baby has turned into a boy crazy preteen. We had a slumber party with 8 of her friends ( I learned my lesson from the 13 girls of last year!!) Her Dad and I took the girls to Laser Quest. I think that says it all! At 30 something I am way to old to be running through mazes with a laser gun. Never the less we had a great time!
Sara, Lindzy, Alyssa & Hannah
Make a wish Birthday girl!!

Daddy made sure she got her wish.. as usual!

The girls eating pizza (and Bubby)

Good Old Mickey D's

The Hitchings twins are no strangers to McDonalds Happy Meals, but in a moment of complete insanity I actually let them have the pop (aka Rootbeer). I think their little ketchup stained faces explain it all. What is this little taste of heaven in a cup??? One sip and they were hooked! I had to wrestle away the empty cups. Yes, I gave my 2 year olds some pop... call me a bad mom if you will. But the look on their faces... PRICELESS!! Cheese!!!
I need more.....

Gimme more!!!

How could you tell those ketchup covered checks "no"?

Love it!!